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Heatwave extends into work week, PG&E urges customers to conserve and prepare for rotating power outages

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Pacific Gas and Electric Company urges customers to conserve energy to help prevent the need for rotating outages. PG&E meteorologists are forecasting the heatwave to get even hotter and continue through Wednesday night.

Conservation is critical to help reduce the need for the California Independent System Operator (CAISO) to direct the state's utilities, including PG&E, to implement rotating outages in order to reduce load.

Separate from the impact on rotating outages, conservation is also the best way to prevent stress and strain on the local power grid, helping to reduce other heat-caused power outages.

PG&E Tips to Save Energy and Reduce Usage

  • Raise the thermostat: Cool homes and use air conditioners more during morning hours. Set the thermostat to 78 degrees when at home during the rest of the day, health permitting. Turn it up to 85 degrees or turn it off when not at home.
  • Use a ceiling fan: Turn on a ceiling fan when using the air conditioner, which will allow the thermostat to be raised about 4 degrees to save on cooling costs with no reduction in comfort. Turn off fans and lights when you leave the room.
  • Cover windows
  • Avoid using the oven
  • Limit the opening of refrigerators
  • Clean clothes and dishes early

PG&E began rotating power outages Friday evening when California ISO issued a Stage 3 emergency. The areas mostly impacted were in Northern California and the Bay area.

PG&E does not anticipate initiating any Public Safety Power Shutoff events this week. Any power outages that occur during this hot spell are not PSPS events.

To find more information on these outages, click here.