

Congress pushes for release of Mueller Report


(NBC News) Democrats on Capitol Hill are demanding a quick release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on Russian election interference in the 2016 U.S. Election.

The report concludes that the Trump campaign did not collude with Russia, and offered no conclusion on whether President Trump obstructed justice by interfering with the investigation once it was launched. Now members from both sides of the aisle are asking for details.

“That should be something that’s available to the American public,” says Senator Mitt Romney.

Democrats want a declassified version of the report by next week.

So far all that’s been released is a four-page summary written by Attorney General William Barr, who criticized the investigation and decided there’s insufficient evidence to prosecute.

Barr says it could take weeks to block out classified information from the report.

Senator Mitch McConnell has also voiced his opposition to its release.

“It is important to protect sensitive sources and methods,” McConnell said Monday. “We’re likely dealing here with other prosecutions, classified information, damaging people’s reputations.”

McConnell voted against a non-binding resolution calling for the release of the report, despite it passing the House of Representatives unanimously.