NewsLocal News


SoCalGas issues “Dial It Down” alert


SoCalGas issued a “Dial It Down” alert Monday amid the cold temperatures on the Central Coast.

The alert took effect at 7 p.m. Monday and runs through 7 a.m. Thursday.

The company is asking customers to conserve natural gas, specifically in the evenings when more people are using the energy source.

There tends to be a higher demand for natural gas during cold weather because people use it for heating, hot water, and cooking.

The company released several tips for reducing use:

  • Set your thermostat to 68 degrees when home and 55 degrees when not home
  • Wash clothes with cold water
  • Take shorter showers to use less hot water
  • Run only full loads of dishes and clothes
  • Use low-flow shower heads
  • Keep windows and doors closed when the heater is on
  • Dress warmer

The company services communities in both San Luis Obispo and Santa Barbara Counties.

For more information on the “Dial It Down” alert, click here.