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Hundreds pack into Central Coast stores looking for Thanksgiving Day bargains


For some local families, spending their Thanksgiving in line is a tradition.

“I’ve been doing it for over 20 years so it’s a tradition for me and my family. We enjoy it and like getting a good deal,” said shopper Patricia Hernandez.

“We’ve been here the last three years but we decided not to camp out anymore. Just come here early in the morning, that’s plenty early enough,” said shopper Enrique Sanchez.

Across the Central Coast, bargain shoppers were stuffing their shopping carts instead of stuffing their faces.

“I just want to just be out here. I enjoy people. I’m a people person and a little shopping won’t hurt me,” said shopper Nancy Escobar.

Shoppers we spoke to have different strategies for pre-Black Friday shopping; some people plan it out online, others wait till they get to the stores and can read the handouts from the associates.

“We first think of what we want and then the date and what the specials are for today,” Sanchez said.

For many, weaving through all the lines and the crowds is worth it once they see how much they save.

“We saved $500 dollars. Not a bad day for a Turkey Day,” said Sanchez.

Best Buy is open Thursday until 1 a.m. before closing for the real Black Friday sales that start at 8 a.m.