

Petitioners want to move Halloween to a Saturday

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Nearly 45,000 people have signed a petition to move Halloween to the last Saturday of every October, but not everyone is on board.

The October 31st celebration falls on different days of the week each year, but some say it would be better if it was always on the weekend.

Halloween this year, like most years, falls on a weekday, which means kids have school and parents have work.

Some parents say it would be a treat to be with their kids.

“I don’t get a lot of time to spend time with my kids because we are always working, right? So you got to look after your kids,” said Antonio Arroyo, San Luis Obispo resident.

The Halloween and Costume Association started the petition and says the change would make the annual tradition safer, longer and stress-free.

However, others, like the manager of the Let’s Party costume store, want to keep it the way it is.

“My son was born on Halloween so we always have big Halloween parties,” said Brittany Deutton, Let’s Party manager.

Moving the costume and candy-filled day to a weekend might let parents and young adults enjoy themselves more, but some say it wouldn’t be as sweet for the kids.

“If you’re going to move it to Saturday, it would kind of take away from the kids trick-or-treating because the parents will either decide if they want to go partying or go trick-or-treating and it kind of diminishes the experience for everybody,” said Shawn Fries, Arroyo Grande resident.

Federal holidays like George Washington’s birthday and Labor Day have been moved before, but Halloween is not a federal holiday.

According to the petition’s website, 70 percent of parents do not go trick-or-treating with their children.