

MINDBODY’s women in tech event empowers San Luis Obispo kids about STEM

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Mindbody’s Women in Tech group invited local middle and high school students to get geeked in tech Thursday.

More than 100 students and their parents were at the free event that featured female leaders in the tech industry.

The speakers included Mindbody Insight Director Amaya Weddle, Mindbody Senior Engineer Kelly Irish and the company’s Quality Assurance Manager Emily Levandowski.

At the event, the women spoke about their journey into the industry and how their roles impacted their product development at Mindbody.

Alana Castillo is a student at Laguna Middle School, she said hearing about these women’s experiences excited her.

“It kind of excited me to know that there is other options, you can do other things besides the basics, that a lot of people think that’s their only choice, so it like gives other people a choice and it’s not just about coding, it’s also about the science behind it of course,” Castillo said.

The event is designed to empower and inspire young people about careers in STEM, no matter their gender.