

Kavanaugh: One step closer to confirmation


Controversial Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh appears to be on his way to a certain confirmation.

Maine’s Senator Susan Collins and West Virginia’s Joe Manchin voiced their support for Kavanaugh late Friday, virtually assuring a final vote on his nomination scheduled for Saturday will pass.

“My fervent hope is that Brett Kavanaugh will work to lesson the divisions in the Supreme Court,” Collins said in a lengthy speech in which she defended Kavanaugh from the allegations of sexual misconduct that have plagued his nomination, noting she could not abandon a “presumption of innocence.”

After struggling with his decision, Republican Jeff Flake also said he will vote yes.

“Unless something big changes, and I don’t see what would,” Flake said.

Democrats are calling Kavanaugh unfit, pointing to his emotional testimony last week.

“We saw a man filled with anger and aggression,” said Sen. Dianne Feinstein, (D) California.

Now his fate is up to the Senate, with members still able to change their minds before the final vote.

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed overnight, Kavanaugh defended his emotional testimony, saying he was speaking with his family in mind, promising to remain an independent, impartial judge.

Previous coverage:
Raw emotions highlight Kavanaugh hearing