

Local group protests gas tax outside of DMV


A small group of activists and volunteers gathered out front of the San Luis Obispo DMV office to protest the terms of Proposition 6 Monday.

The group cited a recent analysis by the Legislative Analyst’s Office, saing DMV car tax funds are being diverted to non-transportation uses and state projects.

The local chapter, The Central Coast Taxpayers Association, is asking for an audit of the DMV and CalTrans and lobbying for a repeal of the Gas Tax in November.

“By voting YES on Prop 6 – Gas Tax Repeal, voters can end the shell game that is going on at the DMV where our existing car tax revenues are being diverted to non-transportation purposes,” said Carl DeMaio, chairman of the Yes on 6 Gas Tax Repeal campaign.

The measure was introduced and added to the November ballot after earning 1 million signatures, which was about 450,000 signatures more than needed.

If voters elect yes on Prop 6, the gas tax will be repealed and future car taxes would have to be approved by voters.