

New Cal Poly dining hall grand open delayed 1 year


Plans to open a new dining hall at Cal Poly this quarter are on hold for another year after construction on the project was delayed nine months later than originally planned.

The new 3-story Vista Grande Dining Complex will be LEED-certified and will feature six small restaurants that emphasize nutritious food from sustainable sources, according to Cal Poly Media Relations Director Matt Lazier.

The meals will include products sourced from Cal Poly.

The $30 million project was supposed to break ground in 2016, but construction didn’t get underway until July of 2017 due to a number of factors that Lazier said are “out of the University’s control.”

Lazier said one of the factors in the delayed construction is the “lengthy plan approval process” by the Office of the State Fire Marshall.

He also said the “complexities of the building design” can also affect the timeline of the project, though he did not provide specific details about the building design.

Lazier was unavailable Saturday for further comment on the project.

According to the Cal Poly website, the campus employs over 1,500 people including 1,100 students across 25 campus restaurants and markets.

Over 20,000 people are served meals on campus every day, according to the website.