

Blast 825 Brewery hosts 9/11 Memorial Toast


Blast 825 Brewery, which was previously Rooney’s Irish Pub, carried on the Rooney’s tradition of hosting a 9/11 Memorial toast Tuesday.

The memorial event started Tuesday afternoon in Orcutt and featured performances from bagpipe players and percussionists.

A memorial toast was held at 3:43 p.m. in honor of the 343 firefighters who died in the September 11 attacks.

A retired fire captain who attended the ceremony says it’s critical we remember the people who died. "We cannot forget about what happened to the 3,000 people that lost their lives. It is imperative that we teach our children and our children’s children about the events of 9/11. We’ve got to always remember how that changed the course of our innocence," said Doug Dickson, retired Fire Captain with the Santa Maria Fire Department.

Dickson says he and a group of nine people from Santa Maria flew to the memorial in New York in 2002. "We went back there and went to Ground Zero and met with and talked to so many people in New York, and everybody wanted to tell their story," said Dickson.