

Remembering John McCain


John McCain, Vietnam veteran, former prisoner of war, long-serving United States Senator, and presidential candidate, died Saturday following a lengthy battle with brain cancer.

McCain will lie in state in the Arizona State Capitol Wednesday, on what would have been his 82nd birthday.

That will be followed by a memorial service Thursday at North Phoenix Baptist Church, where his friend and former colleague Joe Biden will deliver the eulogy.

Next, the senator will make his last trip to Washington, where Friday he will lie in state in the Capitol rotunda. On Saturday, there will be a full-dress military funeral for the war hero at the National Cathedral.

At his request, former Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush will deliver eulogies at McCain’s funeral.

After the public tributes, his family will say a private goodbye Sunday as McCain is laid to rest at the U.S. Naval Academy Cemetery in Annapolis, Maryland.