

Drivers call for action to fix Paso Robles road; city says plans are in the works


Another rough road in Paso Robles is frustrating drivers and cyclists.

If you’ve taken a drive along Union Road near Barney Schwartz Park, you’ll realize it’s not a smooth ride.

Locals say it’s been like this for years but after some recent issues on the road, the community is pushing for repairs to be made sooner rather than later.

The issues with Union Road are a lot bumpier than the obvious potholes.

Sydney Goldis can vouch for that.

"My front right tire hit this bump right here," Goldis said, pointing to a lumpy section of asphalt in the middle of the road. "Front tire went over the bump and as it came down to the other side it put a huge dent in my running board on my Corvette."

It bent the frame of the car and caused about $2,000 worth of damage.

"Normally when you drive on a road and there’s that kind of bump, it would be a speed bump and you would get a warning. It sounded like a baseball bat or a small bomb going off underneath my car," Goldis added.

The rough road is not only an issue for those with their foot on the gas.

A portion of the bike lane is basically non-existent, leaving cyclist Susan Seiler with a dangerous ride.

On Tuesday, an SUV drove behind her until he had room to pass.

"The road is very very bumpy and there’s a lot of ruts and ruts are pretty dangerous for cyclists," Seiler said. "Last year, I got a flat tire just riding down this road."

Some people are taking to social media to talk about their own experiences with the road.

One woman says she was almost involved in a head-on collision over the weekend because the road striping was so faded. The driver approaching her didn’t know in which lane to be driving.

KSBY News asked city officials when the road would be fixed.

"It is at the top of the list," said Dick McKinley, City of Paso Robles Public Works Director. "It is in design right now to be ready to be built next summer. That’s as fast as it can go."

Some community members have since filled out action request forms.

McKinley says the city takes public comment into consideration, adding the design plans will eventually go to the community for input.

Until then, Goldis says he’ll be taking a road less traveled for now.

"Anybody with a car that has a low profile, low to the ground, just stay away from this road until it’s fixed because it will hurt your car," Goldis concluded.

Another issue with this stretch of road is parking. 

There isn’t enough space for people backing out so they end up in the middle of the road.

The city says parking is being addressed, plus speed and pedestrian safety, in the new design.

The road repair will cost an estimated $1.6 million and it will be paid for by the current half-cent sales tax implemented by voters back in 2012.

Construction will last a few months.