

Ghost bike placed on Corbett Canyon Rd in memory of cyclist


A ghost bike and cross were placed Monday to honor the memory of a bicyclist killed by a car in San Luis Obispo last October

Christie Coyes, mother of Lacey Tanner Redd, a bicyclist that was hit by a car and died from her injuries on Corbett Canyon Road on Oct. 6, 2017, wanted the cross and ghost bike to not only mark where her daughter was killed, but to help others understand the dangers of the area for bicyclists. 

Along with the ghost bike, Christie has been calling for the same road to be widened with a bike lane. 

"I just want everybody who rides their bike to be able to go home at the end of their ride," Coyes said. "We need a bike lane here. This road people go on it so fast and if you look at the road, there’s no place to go."

Coyes said she’s talked with landowners in the area, who tell her they’d be "happy to give up some land to get a bike lane."

"We are a biking area, let’s give them a safe place to ride," Coyes said. 

The driver who hit Lacey was "blinded by the sun and didn’t see her," according to police reports. The driver was not arrested.