

Additional resources head in to help with Front Fire


The Southern California Incident Management Team is setting up base camp for the fire personnel working 24 hours straight on the front lines of the Front Fire. Crews drove in to get a meal and a hot shower after working on the front lines all day. 

Firefighters are spread thin across California battling several major wildfires. 

They are also feeling the emotional impact as a total of six firefighters have died fighting the wildfires across California. 

"So there is an emotional toll, but also being a little over half way through the fire season a lot of the fire resources are exhausted. Usually when they return from a previous incident they have day or two off and they usually get reordered and go right back out" said Seneca Smith, Information officer for the Southern California Incident Management Team. 

The federal team is bringing in resources from across the nation to help on the front lines and taking over incident command. 

"What’s hard on them I think is being away from family and of course it’s hard on the family and friends back home as well," added Smith.

According to Santa Barbara County Fire Department, progress is being made on the fire. 

"Right now we are just trying to mop up the hot spots. You know it looks really good right now. The weather cooperated with us last night," said Captain Dave Zaniboni of the Santa Barbara Fire Department.

Going into the second night of the fire, firefighters hope to hold containment lines and get a better handle on the fire as more resources arrive. 

According to fire crews, the Los Padres National Forest is in extreme fire condition. This means no fires are allowed to burn recreationally anywhere, including campgrounds. Open flames are only allowed with a permit. 

The Southern California Incident Management crew will take over command tomorrow at 6 a.m. After their first morning briefing, they said they will have a better idea when the fire will be at full containment.