

Corn hole tournament planned to help with medical bills for Paso PD sergeant’s daughter


The Paso Robles community is coming together to help the family of a Paso Robles police sergeant whose daughter is battling a rare autoimmune disease.

Jadyn Lehr was hospitalized at the end of June for abdominal swelling, according to a gofundme account set up for the family.

The page states that the 14-year-old was then transferred to a hospital out of the area where she was found to be in full kidney failure. She was also reportedly found to have a previously undiagnosed heart defect. 

"As of today, their daughter has shown improvement but they still have a long road ahead of them, as heart surgery may be required," the site states.

The Paso Robles Police Officer’s Association and Firefighters Local 4148 are planning a corn hole tournament fundraiser for the Lehr family this coming weekend.

The City Council last week approved the use of Paso Robles Downtown City Park for the August 18 event.

The event, described as "the biggest corn hole tournament Paso Robles has ever seen," will include not just corn hole but also beer, food and a silent auction. 

The cost for a two-person team is $60. Sign-ups can be done here or up to the morning of the event, which takes place Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 

Ricky Lehr has been a sergeant with the Paso Robles Police Department since October 2017. Prior to that, he had served as a patrol officer and detective for the department. 

The gofundme page set up for the Lehr family has raised more than $22,000 with the majority of that amount reportedly coming in within the first few days of the campaign.