

Chimney Fire sparked near Lake Nacimiento 2 years ago


Two years have now gone by since a devastating fire broke out near Lake Nacimiento in northern San Luis Obispo County. 

The Chimney Fire burned more than 46,000 acres, destroyed 49 homes and another 21 structures. 

The swift-moving blaze also threatened the historic Hearst Castle. At one point, the raging fire came within two miles of the property.

It took nearly 4,000 firefighters to put a stop to the flames, which sparked the afternoon of August 13, 2016. The fire was fully contained September 6 of that year. 

Investigators determined the fire was started by a car and deemed it accidental. 

Since that time, there have been other smaller fires that have started in the Lake Nacimiento area.

While the flames often times remind residents of the destruction caused by the Chimney Fire, many say they are now more prepared.