

Weigh in on future of 12K acres surrounding Diablo Canyon Power Plant


Diablo Canyon Power Plant is still on track to close by 2025, but the future of the land the plant sits on and is surrounded by still has an uncertain future.

Through the Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel, locals can provide their input on the future of the 12,000 acres and 14-miles of pristine coastline that make up a part of the plant’s campus, which includes Wild Cherry Canyon.

"We very much want community input into this process regarding how we approach decommissioning," said PG&E spokesperson Blair Jones. 

PG&E recently opened up opportunities to see parts of the acreage through tours from August 7 to September 26, but according to Jones, tours quickly filled up and are completely booked. 

However, the opportunity to give and hear input on the future of these lands can be done at the  Diablo Canyon Decommissioning Engagement Panel workshops happening this month at the following dates and times:

  • August 17, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Pismo Beach City Hall
  • August 18, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Pismo Beach City Hall

Lauren Brown, a San Luis Obispo resident and member of the panel, says at least four members of the 11-person panel will be at the workshops. 

"We would invite people to consider making a presentation if they have an idea. How should these lands be disposed of? How can the community get engaged?" Brown said. 

For those who are interested in presenting at the workshops, email with your name, entity, topic, contact information and a digital slide presentation.  

Brown says another hot item to discuss will be financing opportunities. 

"We need financing ideas, how the public can proceed," Brown said. "It’s a wonderful opportunity, it’s going to take a lot of effort."

For those who can’t attend the workshops, you can submit comments online

A public meeting at the San Luis Obispo County Government Center will be held from 7-9:30 p.m. on August 29. For more information on that meeting, click here

"Through us, and our meeting, the ideas will be accumulated. We expect that we will, as a committee, an engagement panel, will make some recommendations to PG&E," Brown said.

The next set of workshops held by the panel will focus on repurposing the facilities on the plant’s campus. 

Workshops will be at the following times:

  • September 14, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Atascadero City Hall
  • September 15, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Atascadero City Hall

The public meeting to discuss the facilities will be on September 26 from 7-9:30 p.m.