

Artists spruce up utility boxes around San Luis Obispo


More colorful utility boxes are springing up around San Luis Obispo. (KSBY photo)

More utility boxes in San Luis Obispo are getting a makeover.

The city has been painting them for more than a year.

The Public Art Program accepted submissions from artists for designs this spring. Chosen artists will be painting their designated boxes starting Friday through August 20.

Artist Amy Beeman was painting a cow-themed design on her designated box on Friday.

"The inspiration for this is my family," said Beeman. "I’ve been raised ion the Central Coast, and we’re cow farmers and it’s such a huge part of the history of San Luis Obispo."

City staff say the unique designs lower the amount of graffiti on the boxes while also making the city a more beautiful place.

The Public Art Program says it has more than 70 pieces of public art, including utility boxes, murals, mosaics and sculptures.