

Local kids benefit from winery event in Santa Barbara


The lawn in front of the Santa Barbara Hilton Beachfront Resort looked more like Santa’s workshop last week as members of the Jackson Family Wines sales team took some time out of their global sales meeting to build bikes for kids.

Fifty bikes were assembled and donated to the Bikes for Kids Foundation. They also threw in 50 helmets and made a $5,000 donation to the Unity Shoppe.

The Unity Shoppe provides food, clothing and other basic necessities to people in need in Santa Barbara County. The organization will distribute the donated bikes locally. Since 2002, the Bikes for Kids Foundation has donated 42,000 bicycles to children across the country.

The Jackson Family Wines group includes Santa Barbara County’s Byron, Brewer-Clifton and Cambria wineries. The bike-building event was held as part of their Rooted for Good volunteer program.