

Local firefighters battle destructive California wildfires


Two more local fire teams traveled to Northern California Monday to help with some of the largest wildfires burning in the state.

Five Cities Fire tweeted that two strike teams were headed to the Carr fire, which has burned more than 100,000 acres and destroyed more than 700 homes in Redding. Santa Maria firefighters have been in Redding on the front lines since last week.

There are more than 1,300 firefighters and hundreds of National Guard troops at the Carr fire.

Just south of the Carr fire, the Mendocino complex is burning through wine country and threatening thousands of structures. Morro Bay Firefighters tweeted Monday that they were moving a team that had been stationed at the Rock Fire in San Diego to the Mendocino complex.

State officials say there are more than 100 local fire departments spread out across the state to provide mutual aid but that resources are running thin. Governor Jerry Brown and President Trump have both declared a state of emergency for impacted communities, which allows federal reinforcements to be mobilized to go help.

Many firefighters are pulling 24-36 hour shifts as they push back on 17 fires across the state. Three firefighters have been killed so far this year, two at the Ferguson fire near Yosemite and one at the Carr fire in Redding.