

Morro Bay city to move public hearing on water reclamation facility


The city of Morro Bay announced Saturday the Proposition 218 public hearing will be moved to September. 

City staff say they "became aware" late Friday afternoon that not all customers were provided with notices on the Proposition 218 and the Water Reclamation Facility surcharge.

The city wrote they want to ensure owners and rate payers they have the "constitutionally guaranteed time frame" to consider the surcharge, therefore the city will mail out more notices on July 23. 

The hearing has been moved from the original date of Aug. 28 to Sept. 11. 

Customers who submitted a written protest to the city based on the previous notice do not need to submit a new one, however, anyone who hasn’t submitted a written protest and want to, have until the end of the public hearing. 

Morro Bay residents can visit the city hall – located at 595 Harbor St., Morro Bay – to ask about Proposition 218 and the upcoming hearing during the following times:

  • Thursday, July 26 – noon to 5 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, July 31 – 8 p.m. to noon
  • Thursday, Aug. 9 – 8 p.m. to noon
  • Tuesday, Aug. 14 – noon to 5 p.m.