

Sewer rates going up in Los Osos


Los Osos residents face another water rate increase. It’s the latest of several hikes, adding to already skyrocketing bills. 

San Luis Obispo County supervisors approved an increase of $4.79 to monthly water bills at Tuesday’s meeting. 

The increase brings the average water bill up to nearly $170 per home. 

The hike is the most the county can legally raise rates without residents having to approve it by a vote. 

Los Osos residents voiced frustrated opposition about to the hike at the supervisors’ meeting. This is not the first time increasing water rates have been an issues for the small town. 

Residents also have to deal with paying to hook up a new sewer line. That costs each household several thousand dollars. 

Another issue still up in the air is a $10 million county settlement with a contractor that residents would have to pay. However, the county has not said what that will look like.