

SLO County sheriff’s deputy on probation after DUI plea


Rainer Lee Bodine, pictured from a previous interview

A San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s deputy charged with driving under the influence at the Oceano Dunes pleaded no contest Wednesday, the district attorney’s office reports.

Rainer Lee Bodine, 32, pleaded no contest to driving with a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08 percent or higher, a misdemeanor. Bodine’s BAC from the March 9 incident was .14 percent, according to Chief Deputy District Attorney Jerret Gran.

Bodine was placed on three years’ probation with the following terms and conditions:

  • Serve two days in jail with credit for one day
  • Obey all laws
  • Do not drive unless licensed and insured
  • Do not drive with any alcohol in system
  • Submit to chemical testing upon demand by a peace officer
  • Complete an alcohol-related program
  • Pay a fine of $2,415

Gran described the conditions as standard for a first-time offender such as Bodine.

Officials with the San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office declined to speak on the matter.

"We are not able to comment at this time because it is a criminal matter being handled by the courts as well as a personnel matter," said sheriff’s office spokesman Tony Cipolla.

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