

SLO leaders invite public to homelessness discussion next week


It is estimated there are more than 400 homeless individuals in the City.

Now the City hopes to answer questions residents have about how police and the City are handling it.

A facilitated discussion will take place on Wednesday, June 27. During it, a panel of experts will focus on answering common questions, addressing misconceptions and explaining how the City and County work with partner organizations to address homelessness.

There will also be a review of what’s currently being done, and how the community can help.

Community members are encouraged to submit questions to the panel ahead of the discussion on Open City Hall by this Friday, June 22.  

The City works with the County of San Luis Obispo and various nonprofit organizations to provide assistance to the homeless, but the County is the lead social services and behavioral health agency and regional leader in addressing the needs of the area’s homeless population.

Panel members include:

  • Deanna Cantrell, Chief of Police, City of San Luis Obispo
  • Anne Robin, Behavioral Health Director, San Luis Obispo County
  • Laurel Weir, Coordinator for Homeless Services, San Luis Obispo County
  • Grace McIntosh, Deputy Director, Community Action Partnership of San Luis Obispo
  • Joe Madsen, Division Director, Transitions-Mental Health Association
  • Tim Olivas, Undersheriff, San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office
  • Alan Iftiniuk, CEO, French Hospital Medical Center


Wednesday, June 27 from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.

San Luis Obispo City/County Library

995 Palm St. – Community Room


Interested community members are encouraged to RSVP for the forum on Facebook. The community can also submit questions in advance through Open City Hall.