

Heat is on one more day inland before a break


I think the peak of the heat hit today with the inland valleys of SLO county cresting 100.  Saturday looks to feature temps again near 100 but perhaps a few degrees off today’s highs.  We should see a little more breeze accounting for the difference.

At the coast what a drastic difference: some afternoon temperatures were nearly 50 degrees cooler than inland locations with stubborn clouds hanging on until late in the afternoon.  This looks to be a similar setup Saturday as well as marine clouds and onshore flow will keep many beaches in the 60s and coastal valleys in the 70s for highs.

The ridge in the upper atmosphere flattens out on Sunday which should cool inland temps roughly 10 degrees.  This will be due to the depth of the marine layer changing from roughly 1500 feet to almost 3000ft.  Coastal temps don’t change much with this development.  Tuesday is an interesting day.  I think we’ll see a brief increase in high pressure which could push inland temps near 100 again before temps again drop to the lower 90s the balance of next week.

Coastally, it is late June and still time for some June gloom.  Some of the beaches could see limited clearing next week.