

AIDS/LifeCycle riders injured in SLO County


Two cyclists were injured Wednesday in two separate crashes during a charity ride through the Central Coast.

The AIDS/LifeCycle riders crashed in the area of Highway 46 and Highway 1, according to the California Highway Patrol.

The first crash happened around 9:15 a.m. along Highway 1 just south of Highway 46. Bryan Alvarado, 28, from San Diego crashed and broke his collarbone. He went to Sierra Vista Medical Center for treatment.

Less than an hour later, 39-year-old Gregory Enriquez from Valley View was riding on Highway 46 heading toward Highway 1 when CHP says he rode over a rumble strip, lost control, was thrown over his handlebars and suffered major head injuries. CHP’s helicopter, H70, flew him to Sierra Vista.

Both were solo crashes. No cars or other riders caused the riders to crash, CHP said.

Thousands of cyclists are taking part in AIDS/LifeCycle, a 545-mile trek that started in San Francisco and will end in Los Angeles on Saturday. Wednesday’s leg of the journey took riders from Paso Robles to Preisker Park in Santa Maria.

Participants have raised more than $16 million — a record amount — to support the San Francisco AIDS Foundation and the HIV/AIDS-related services of the Los Angeles LGBT Center.

Thursday’s ride will take participating cyclists through Lompoc en route to Ventura.