

New addition on the way for Buellton’s famous Hitching Post II


Hitching Post Wines will soon open its first wine tasting room, right next door to the Hitching Post II restaurant in Buellton.

The Hitching Post II is known for its barbecued steaks and was introduced to the world in the 2004 Oscar-winning film, "Sideways." 

Hitching Post Wines, made by Gray Hartley and Frank Ostini, have been served at the Hitching Post restaurants since 1984. They’re also sold throughout California and 15 other states. Pinot Noir is their specialty.

"This will be our first official wine tasting room operation to sell, to do wine tasting and retail sales of the wines and other Hitching Post products at this location," said Ostini, Hitching Post II owner and winemaker.

Hitching Post Wines (KSBY photo)

The wine tasting room is expected to open in July 1018. The restaurant is also developing a take-out/delivery lunch menu.

The Hitching Post II is located at 406 E. Highway 246 in Buellton.

The Hitching Post Wines tasting room will be located at 420 E. Highway 246, where Loring Wine Company was previously located. (KSBY photo)