

Deadline to register to vote is May 21


The deadline to register to vote in the June 5 election is just one week away.

So far, 115,000 vote-by-mail ballots have been sent out in San Luis Obispo County alone, but that’s not it; many people still need to register.

“I do encourage people to re-register if there’s been any change in their status,” said Tommy Gong, SLO County Clerk-Recorder.

May 21 is the deadline to register or update your voter registration information. If you have legally changed your name, changed your political party preference or permanently moved, you must re-register to vote.

“It is easy to do. Wherever you move, just find the local registry and go in and sign up and as long as you got your ID, it’s no problem,” said Karen McDonald, a San Luis Obispo voter who has moved a couple times.

You can re-register to vote by completing a voter registration application online at or picking up a paper application at your county elections office. They’re also available at local libraries, post offices and DMV offices.

Close to 500 ballots have already been returned in San Luis Obispo County and the clerk-recorder hopes to get more early.

“It’s easier if the ballots are received by our office earlier so we can get them processed and get them into count,” Gong said.

If a voter is unable to register to vote by the May 21 deadline, they can register and vote using the conditional voter registration option, but that can only be done in person.

There is also still a need for poll workers to volunteer on Election Day. If you’re interested, contact your county elections office.