

French Hospital donation to support Behavioral Health Unit at SLO County Jail


The San Luis Obispo County Sheriff’s Office says plans to open a new Behavioral Health Unit (BHU) at the San Luis Obispo County Jail are moving forward, thanks in part to a big, new donation.

The facility is meant to provide services and housing for inmates suffering from mental health illness.
The Sheriff’s Advisory Foundation is working to secure private funding for the new mental health unit. So far, approximately $272,000 has been raised toward the $500,000 goal. The largest contributor thus far being French Hospital Medical Center, which donated $50,000 towards the new BHU on Wednesday. 
"In this particular case, this donation helps that inmate population within our county that also suffer from behavioral health issues," said Alan Iftiniuk, French Hospital Medical Center President & CEO.

The sheriff’s office says the facility will be able to deliver services such as:

  • Daily group and individual treatment up to eight hours per day
  • Dormitory style housing
  • Therapeutic environment and treatment programs such as legal education, coping skills, substance abuse, and communication skills
  • Quicker treatment and faster adjudication of underlying charges

The target date for the facility to be up and running is before the end of this calendar year.