

Families of Golden State Killer’s victims react to arrest


The Golden State Killer, also known as the East Area Rapist or the Original Night Stalker, is connected to two double homicides and an attempted homicide case in Santa Barbara County.

Authorities have arrested 72-year-old Joseph James DeAngelo, believed to be responsible for a dozen murders and more than 50 rapes throughout California in the 1970s and 80s.

There was a break in the case last week with the help of DNA evidence.

Investigators in Santa Barbara County say the DNA evidence links DeAngelo to the murders of 35-year-old Cheri Domingo and her boyfriend, 27-year-old Gregory Sanchez in Goleta.

Cheri’s daughter, Debbi Domingo, was 15 years old when her mother became a victim. She’s happy to see someone behind bars.

"I just wanted it to really sink into him that he thought he got away with it, but he didn’t. That’s not the case. He’s not getting away with it," Debbi said.

DeAngelo is believed to be linked to the 1979 murders of Dr. Robert Offerman and his girlfriend, Alexandria Manning near Goleta.

That same year, authorities say a third couple was attacked while they slept in their home but managed to escape.

Earlier this year, KSBY News spoke to Michelle Cruz about her long wait for justice. Her sister, Janelle Cruz, is believed to be the Golden State Killer’s last victim.

"It’s really hard. Every day, you’re hoping today is the day," Michelle said in February. "Maybe this year is going to be the year. Right now, my family doesn’t get involved at all. They’re trying to forget about it and put it behind them. It’s not something I can do. I really feel like I can do something."

Months later, Michelle is getting the first step to closure. She posted Wednesday on Facebook, "We did it, Janelle. You can rest now. Your killer will never walk free again."