

Local fans cheer on Orcutt native Pryor Baird on NBC’s The Voice


The Central Coast has been cheering on Orcutt native Pryor Baird on The Voice who’s made it to the top 12 and performed again Monday night.

Baird sang "Pickin’ Wildflowers" by Keith Anderson. The audience in Los Angeles went wild.

His friends and family also showed their support for the singer at a viewing party in Orcutt.
"I’m totally ecstatic. He’s so great. I’ve watched him grow up from when he came in to audition to the band to before he could even play in a bar to look at this!" said Robert Chetwood, Baird’s bass player of more than 15 years.

The crowd also face timed Baird following his performance.

"Thank you guys! I couldn’t be here if it wasn’t for all of you guys right now," Baird told them.

Voting for The Voice closes at 9am Tuesday.

Click here to vote.