

California independence backers can collect signatures


SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) – Advocates looking for California to secede from the United States are trying for a third time since President Donald Trump’s election to get a statewide vote on the issue.
Secretary of State Alex Padilla said Monday that the initiative proponents can begin collecting signatures.
The latest version of the so-called Calexit initiative would ask voters about secession in 2020. If it passes, a second election would be held a year later asking voters to affirm the decision.
The initiative is proposed by Marcus Ruiz Evans and Louis Marinelli of a group called Yes California, which proposed California independence initiatives in 2015 and 2017.
A rival group proposed a Calexit initiative last year but did not turn in the required signatures.
Proponents have until Oct. 17 to collect nearly 366,000 signatures.

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