

Friends of arrested woman say SLO Target attempted kidnapping is a misunderstanding


An arrest has been made in connection with a reported attempted kidnapping at the San Luis Obispo Target.

Those who know the woman accused of the crime say it’s all a misunderstanding but police say they had enough evidence to arrest her.

Rosmary Osorioloaiza, a 50-year-old from Los Osos, was arrested Wednesday night. The woman’s neighbor saw her photo on the news and let her know about it. After that, Osorioloaiza went to the sheriff’s substation in Los Osos and eventually ended up at the police station in downtown San Luis Obispo.

"There was enough during the interview that the officer felt she was attempting to leave with the child," said Captain Jeff Smith with the San Luis Obispo Police Department.

Family members said she initially went to law enforcement to clear up what she thought was simply a misunderstanding. Osorioloaiza’s cousin said the woman was just admiring the little boy and had no intent to take him.

Mike Clark, who works with Osorioloaiza, said there’s no way she’s guilty.

"There is no way — my life, my fortune, my sacred honor, there is no way she could have done this. It’s just impossible. It’s a mistake," said Clark.

He said Osorioloaiza, who is from Colombia, does not speak English and has been in the United States for a short time.

"I believe that her culture allows people to talk to children, whereas here in our country, some people get upset with that," added Clark.

But investigators said they have the proof from the surveillance video.

"We were able to obtain video from Target where we could see the suspect approach, take the child’s hand and begin to walk out prior to the father contacting her," Captain Smith said. 

KSBY News has requested that portion of the video but officials said that will not be released to the public.

The woman was booked on suspicion of attempted kidnapping. Her bail is set at $50,000.

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