

Diablo Canyon settlement bill clears two state senate committees


Legislation designed to offset impacts on the planned closure of the Diablo Canyon nuclear power plant cleared two state senate committees on this week.

Senate Bill 1090, written by State Senator Bill Monning (D-Carmel) and Assemblyman Jordan Cunningham (R-San Luis Obispo) would require the California Public Utilities Commission to approve an $85 million settlement to San Luis Obispo County, several cities and school districts. It would also require full funding for a $350 million program designed to keep PG&E workers from leaving the closing plant for other jobs.

The Senate Energy, Utilities and Communications Committee voted 9-1 in favor of the bill on Tuesday, while the Senate Environmental Quality Committee voted 6-1 in favor on Wednesday.

"I’m disappointed that the plant is closing," said Assemblyman Cunningham in a statement released on Thursday. "But without a thoughtful plan for the Diablo retirement, there is a risk of premature closure and significant safety and energy supply concerns.  This bill, SB 1090, will give the community and the state time to transition, and cushion the blow to our local economy."

The bill will now advance to the Senate Appropriations Committee.