

Petition to stop new developments in Avila Beach presented to Board of Supervisors


Dozens of concerned citizens wearing blue were at Tuesday morning’s San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors’ meeting where a petition to stop new developments in Avila Beach was presented. 

"Help stop irresponsible development in Avila Beach," reads the petition that’s been making its rounds online since last month.

It’s all in an effort to slow down large developments in the area – like Wild Cherry Canyon – while an update to the general plan for that area is underway.

"There’s no consideration in terms of where are we going to get the water? How are we going to get access? How are we going to get not only in but out Avila if there’s a problem," one resident said at the meeting.

The possibility of a moratorium was discussed by the board after several residents took the podium.
The Avila General Plan still has three to five years until complete.
Residents hope the item will be put on the agenda at a later date.

Avila Beach residents circulate petition to try to halt new developments