Morro Bay city councilmembers are back from a recent trip to the State Capitol where they advocated for the city’s interests.
Morro Bay Mayor Carla Wixom, Councilmember Zara Landrum and other councilmembers took a two-day trip last week to the League of California Cities in Sacramento. There, they met with the California Energy Commission (CEC) and the California Coastal Commission (CCC).
Topics of discussion included battery storage and offshore wind.
“Right next to where our proposed battery storage is, is our aquifer. They were surprised by that,” said Councilmember Zara Landrum.
Wixom says the aquifer is not their only concern with the battery energy storage system (BESS) proposal but also the estuary.
“One of 28 in the nation. We have endangered and protected species. We have a peregrine falcon breeding ground at the rock right next to the site location. Those are some of the things we take into consideration as decision-makers," Wixom said.
When meeting with the CCC and CEC, Morro Bay leaders also looked into how the AB 205 process works for projects like battery plant approvals and how the city can advocate for people in the community.
“Having them walk us through the steps and understanding, it provided us with reassurance as decision-makers in the community," Wixom said.
Networking with other cities also happened.
“A lot of conversation of what different municipalities are doing regarding housing and state mandates and how it affects our communities and how each of us is addressing it,” Wixom said.
Landrum and Wixom are on a subcommittee for offshore wind.
“We have a meeting next week with one of those companies to stay up to date in their process and where their plans are at this time,” Wixom said.
The meeting at the State Capitol happens every other year for newly elected and current councilmembers.
"It's always good to have a review on the best practices,” Landrum said.