WASHINGTON (AP) — A California woman is accused of having a crossbow and bolts outside the White House.
The Washington Post reports 49-year-old Stacy Pamela Banta, of Sutter, was arrested Monday on charges of carrying a dangerous weapon and possessing a destructive device.
A D.C. police report says the woman approached a uniformed Secret Service agent that night near the White House Visitor Center and told him she had crossbow bolts and a crossbow in her car. It says the agent found the loaded crossbow and several bolts in Banta's vehicle.
Banta's father, 72-year-old Loren Banta, told the newspaper he doesn't know why his President Donald Trump-supporting daughter would go to the White House.
Matthew Hertz, Banta's attorney, said he had no comment. Banta was freed and may appear in court Dec. 12.
Information from: The Washington Post, http://www.washingtonpost.com