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More stop signs could be added on two streets in Los Osos


There are already two stop signs at the intersection of Santa Ysabel Avenue and 11th Street in Los Osos, but more could be going up.

Susan Moore Sevier walks her dog in Los Osos, regularly passing through the intersection of 11th and Santa Ysabel. The area is currently a two-way stop, but she says that’s not enough.

“People can choose to stop or not stop. I have to hesitate and wait and look which is probably smart even if there was a stop sign,” she said.

The speed limit for drivers along this portion of Santa Ysabel Avenue is 35 miles per hour.

“Luckily, I’m with the dog and we both stop and they see me and the dog so often people will stop but sometimes not at all,” Sevier said.

The possibility of adding more stop signs on Santa Ysabel at 11th Street and also 7th Street comes after public requests were made and the intersection was inspected by consultants hired by the county.

John Lindsey of Los Osos agrees changes need to be made.

“There are those who seem to be busy and they’ll just go right through the intersection despite someone being in the crosswalk and I’ve actually seen that, which is very disturbing, with a mom and her baby in a carriage,” Lindsey said.

The addition of a stop sign at 7th Street would turn that intersection into an all-way stop. Seveir and Lindsey both think the current design can be confusing and believe an added stop sign would help.

“I still have to stop and really think about it, like hey, that one car doesn’t have to stop so I think it is confusing,” Lindsey said.

“Especially coming down the hill from 7th and I live on 9th. They come speeding down and speed up to go through here,” Sevier said.

I spoke with about a dozen people in the town about the proposal and none were against the addition of new stop signs.

The item will be discussed at next Tuesday’s San Luis Obispo County Board of Supervisors meeting.