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Inland areas will warm a little

and last updated

The overall pattern is looking pretty steady thru the rest of the week with coastal night and morning marine layer and afternoon clearing, if there is a trend I think we'll see slightly faster wind speeds at the coast Wednesday and Thursday clearing out the skies slightly faster. That pace of the wind is resulting from a slight pressure increase, that same process will warm inland areas (particularly Thursday).

I don't want to get too carried away here, temps will increase but most areas should still remain under 100, so it is no heat wave. In fact, temps come back down for most Friday into the weekend.

Temperatures will cool this weekend and the marine layer is forecast to become more persistent along the coastline.

There will still be some minor smoke from time to time in the area but this surface smoke is very thinned compared to last week, the reason is that the upper flow is SW carrying the largest plumes away from us. There is still terrible air quality from the San Joaquin Valley that can occasionally sneak west. I still advise people with sensitivity to smoke to check airnow.gov and their local air pollution control district for more information before extended exposure.