Although Atascadero is home to 16 coffee shops today, Alicia Say said that wasn’t the case when her family’s coffee shop, Malibu Brew, opened in 2007.
“I think we were one of the first ones other than like Starbucks,” Say said.
Now Malibu Brew is just one of 4 coffee shops within a one-mile radius.
“We encourage our customers, give them more ones like try new places too, because, you know, we want to support other businesses and keep the community community going,” Say said.
As more shops have popped up, the Says have considered how they can retain their customer base.
“How do we keep ourselves relevant without trying to take on a new identity that we're not?” Say said.
Atascadero Chamber of Commerce VP of Membership & Special Projects Julie Matthews said this topic often comes up when advising local businesses.
“That’s always a conversation with the smaller coffee shops. And that’s always a concern. But we as a chamber organization, we’re here to support them. I think every coffee shop has its own style and their own unique blend,” Matthews said, “That’s what they really need to market and play off of.”
Diane Powell first started coming to Malibu Brew because she wasn’t satisfied with the coffee elsewhere.
“I was just looking for something different,” Powell said.
She said even with more options in town, she’s not inclined to try them.
“I’m consistent,” Powell said, “I drove over here on my lunch break and I pass a lot of coffee places.”
“That’s the bulk of our business is relying on those very, very loyal customers that become more like family to us,” Say said.
“I bring my grand-kids in here, my husband. They get to know everybody. It’s awesome,” Powell said, "Great, consistent product and wonderful family!"
Say believes all of the coffee shops in Atascadero can coexist by leaning into their unique strengths.
“I think we just have our own niches. I think that's the only way for every place to have their own business and continue growing," Say said.