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ICE: Former Venezuelan VP among 10 most wanted fugitives


WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement is including former Venezuelan Vice President Tareck El Aissami among its 10 most wanted fugitives.

ICE posted a Twitter link to a “wanted” profile on El Aissami with the hashtag #MostWantedWednesday. It cautions: “Do not attempt to apprehend any subject.”

El Aissami is now Venezuelan minister of Industry and National Production.

He was charged earlier this year in New York federal court with violating the Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act and U.S. Treasury Department sanctions by hiring U.S. companies to provide private jets.

Before the federal charges brought in March, the U.S. had labeled him a “specially designated narcotics trafficker” under the Kingpin Act for allegedly playing a major role in global drug trafficking, a charge he denies.