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California to require $1 background check for ammo purchases


California will tighten its already strict firearms laws by requiring background checks for anyone buying ammunition and barring ammo sales except through licensed dealers starting Monday.

Gun owners already in the state’s databases will have to pay a $1 fee each time they buy bullets or shotgun shells, while others can buy longer term licenses.

Dealers have seen a spike in sales as the state prepares to implement the restrictions imposed by voters in 2016.

Opponents are suing to block the restrictions, arguing that they will mainly harm law-abiding owners.

California will also complete its statewide ban on all lead ammunition for hunting.

The Center for Biological Diversity says the ban will reduce the risk that toxic fragments from lead bullets or shot will poison critically endangered California condors along with other raptors and scavengers.

Lead ammunition can still be used for target shooting. The center says at least 15 other states have some restrictions, but California’s statewide ban on lead ammunition for hunting is the most sweeping.

The state began phasing out its use under a 2013 law.